Every day during Lent our parish is offering a Holy Hour including exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and ending with Benediction.
What a treasure the Eucharist is! Not leaving us to wander the desert aimlessly, our Lord leaves us his very self under the guise of bread and wine to be present to us until He comes again in glory. He gives us himself, the Bread from Heaven, the Lamb of God, the Spring of Living Water so that we might receive Him who is true food.
And wordless moments may pass in humble adoration of He who set us free. Please go to Him. Spend time with Jesus Christ in a local adoration chapel or in your own parish. You don't need to work; you don't even need to talk. Just go to Him. Bring spiritual reading, if you like. Listen. He will speak.
Sometimes, I wonder what if Jesus gave only Peter the ability to celebrate the Eucharist & only during Holy Thursday. I think I would be saving money to make it to Rome on that Thursday to witness and partake of the greatest miracle where God Incarnate becomes bread to intimately unite Himself to me to the point of physical absorption and assimilation.
I never thought of it that way; it's an interesting question, though I'm glad he didn't for what would sustain us the rest of the time? Of course God would and can do whatever He wills and He would dispense His grace in other ways. I can't imagine it, but neither could any of us imagined how God did accomplish our redemption. It's beyond our wildest imagination.
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